at The Catholic University of America

An initiative from Catholic University to foster effective collaboration
between the clergy and the laity of the Church
in the wake of the sexual abuse crisis.

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National Study of Catholic Priests

Well-being, Trust, and Policy in a Time of Crisis

The largest priesthood study in over 50 years
looking at the Church's response to abuse.
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Current Projects

National Study of Catholic Priests

National survey of Catholic priests and bishops about the impact of the abuse crisis

National Eucharistic Revival

Catholic U. is fully engaged with the USCCB's call for renewed devotion to the Eucharist

Synod on Synodality

Catholic University participated in a synod series in the Spring of 2022

Diocesan Bankruptcy

Sharing Marie Reilly's work on diocesan bankruptcy

What We Do

The Catholic Project brings together clergy and laity to address the challenges that the Catholic Church faces in the U.S. As the bishops’ university, Catholic University is uniquely situated to bring about needed change in accordance with its mission, “to discover and impart the truth through excellence in teaching and research, all in service to the Church, the nation and the world.”

The Catholic Project addresses accountability, transparency, evangelization, reform, and renewal. The facets of our work include education and formation, research, events, and media.

Our Work

News & Commentary

Unpacking news and information

Stephen's Column
The Vice President, Immigration, and a Way Forward
Stephen White of Catholic University writes on the American immigration system, its problems, and the new administration. “If our immigration laws have been poorly conceived, poorly written, and poorly enforced,… Read More
Stephen's Column
Stumbling Over the 1960s
Stephen White of Catholic University writes a review of a new book by Timothy S. Goeglein:  Stumbling Toward Utopia: How the 1960s Turned into a National Nightmare and How We… Read More
Stephen's Column
Pilgrims of Hope
Stephen White of Catholic University reflects on the virtue of hope and the analogy of New Years Resolutions. “As with our New Year’s resolutions, it is necessary but not sufficient… Read More
Stephen's Column
On the Feast of Stephen
Stephen White of Catholic University reflects on the feast of St. Stephen on December 26 and the carol about “Good King Wenceslaus”: “Wenceslaus may not have been a king in… Read More
Sara's column
I love you; You're going to die
Today, December 10th 2024, I stumbled upon this draft that was dated August 2023. It is quite something to read what I wrote then, not knowing that five months later,… Read More
Stephen's Column
The New World and Thanksgiving
Stephen White of Catholic University wrote about Thanksgiving this season: “Gratitude, as I said, is the form of the holiday. And gratitude is best demonstrated when the cause of our… Read More
Making It Personal with Bishop Joensen
Enjoy this broad-ranging conversation between The Catholic Project’s Executive Director, Stephen White, and Bishop William Joensen of the Diocese of Des Moines:
Stephen's Column
On the Giving and Receiving of Honor
Stephen White of Catholic University reflects on Veteran’s Day. “To honor someone is to confer upon them some measure of our own esteem. One cannot give what one does not… Read More

Collaboration Between Clergy & Laity

Over 50 years ago, Vatican II articulated the role of the laity in the Catholic Church in a document entitled Lumen Gentium. All members of the Church, not just the clergy, “contribute toward the renewal and building up of the Church.” Lumen Gentium says pastors should “willingly employ” the “prudent advice” of the lay faithful, and “confidently assign duties to them” in service to the Church. With the help of the laity, “pastors can more clearly and more incisively come to decisions regarding both spiritual and temporal matters.“

The Catholic University of America is uniquely situated to be a place where laity and clergy can come together in a spirit of mutual respect and charity to address the most challenging issues of our times. We believe, in the words of Lumen Gentium, that by drawing on the contributions of all its members, “the entire Church . . . may more effectively fulfill its mission for the life of the world.”

Our Mission

A new state of affairs today both in the Church and in social, economic, political and cultural life, calls with a particular urgency for the action of the lay faithful.
—  St. John Paul II,   Christifideles Laici, 3

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