The National Eucharistic Revival

at The Catholic University of America

How Catholic University participated in the National Eucharistic Congress + a playlist of Catholic University's students, faculty, and staff sharing from the heart about the Eucharist:

Is Orthodoxy Enough?: The Family and Catholic Education

Catholic University hosted a standing-room-only breakout session at the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) featuring Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, Mary Pat Donohue, Andrew Abela, John and Claire Grabowski

Catholic Dating Panel

The Catholic Project at Catholic University hosted a panel on Dating as a Catholic today for young (and not-so-young) adults attending the NEC.

Priest Track

Catholic University sponsored the priest track that was held every morning at the NEC.

Engagement Space

CUA had a large space in the exhibit hall to share the good work of Catholic University and encourage people to get to know us better.