Stephen P. White
Executive Director
Stephen P. White is the Executive Director of The Catholic Project. Since 2019, he has led The Catholic University of America's response to the clergy abuse crisis, focusing on the collaboration of clergy and the laity. He served as executive producer for the award-winning podcast, Crisis: Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church.
For over a decade, Mr. White has been a fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC. His work focuses on the intersections of faith, politics, and culture, frequently applying Catholic social teaching to contemporary issues. Mr. White is the author of Red, White, Blue, and Catholic (Liguori Publications, 2016) and writes a bi-monthly column for The Catholic Thing.
Mr. White’s writing has been published in a wide variety of outlets and websites, including: The Weekly Standard, First Things, America Magazine, National Review Online, The Catholic Herald (UK), and The National Catholic Register. He has been sought out for commentary on Church issues by print and television media outlets, including The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, Fox News, CNN, BBC, EWTN, and Al Jazeera.
Since 2005, he has helped organize the Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society, a three week seminar on Catholic social teaching with an emphasis on the thought of St. John Paul II which takes place every summer in Krakow, Poland.
Mr. White studied politics at the University of Dallas and philosophy at the Catholic University of America. He lives in Virginia with his wife and four children.