The Truth Will Set You Free – the Cardinal McCarrick Report

Statement from Stephen White of The Catholic Project at Catholic University on the release of the McCarrick Report
The wounds inflicted by Theodore McCarrick upon his victims and upon the whole Body of Christ cannot be undone by one report, however thorough or transparent. But truth and transparency are necessary steps toward healing those wounds and repairing the trust that has been broken.
Thoughtful and thorough analysis of the report will take time. For now, as we read through this report, a spirit of penance and humility ought to temper our anger and pain at the injustices committed by our clergy, and the sense of betrayal brought about by shepherds who failed to protect the flock.
Most importantly, our thoughts go out to those victims of clerical sexual abuse for whom this report may well be a source of renewed trauma and pain. We pray for them especially in the sure hope that the truth will set us free.
Stephen White
Executive Director
The Catholic Project at Catholic University
Also, see the statement from President Garvey of Catholic University